Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"Don’t give up. Literally anyone can give up. Be the other person. But at the same time, step back..." [feedly]

"Don't give up. Literally anyone can give up. Be the other person. But at the same time, step back..."
// Quotes About Comics

"Don't give up. Literally anyone can give up. Be the other person. But at the same time, step back and honestly assess who you are and what you're trying to accomplish and make sure you're doing that. And if not, change course, but don't stop."

- Brian Michael Bendis

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"Comic books, television shows … whenever I saw something or read something that I thought was good,..." [feedly]

"Comic books, television shows … whenever I saw something or read something that I thought was good,..."
// Quotes About Comics

"Comic books, television shows … whenever I saw something or read something that I thought was good, I tried to back up and figure out why I thought it was good. What was it that made this good? Everything was OK to me, because even the junk, I thought, was alright. But when something stood out, you went, 'Wait a minute, why is that good?'"

- Darwyn Cooke (2007)

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